Applying for a rental
When you find the right property, applying is easy!
Simply complete a Holmwood Property Management Tenancy Application Form online.
The online Application Form link can be found with the property information on the Harcourts website, please click here.
Emergency repairs
We ask that you always try to contact your Property Manager first, however if it is after hours and you cannot contact the Property Manager, you are permitted to contact our emergency contractors directly.
The legislation is specific about what constitutes an emergency repair and it’s important that you know that should the issue not be deemed an emergency, you may be responsible for the account. An emergency repair is something that is likely to cause injury or which makes the property unsafe or insecure. (For example:. burst water service, serious leak, serious electrical fault)
The rental bond is requested as financial protection should there be a breach in the tenancy agreement. Your rental bond will be lodged with Tenancy Services. The bond is held as security against any property damage, undue wear and tear or in the event there is money owing at the end of tenancy. Once it is established that all conditions of the tenancy have been met, the bond will be refunded promptly. The amount of bond payable is specified in the tenancy agreement. Please note, the bond required may increase where there is a rent increase.
Only the people (and the number of people) included on your tenancy agreement are permitted to reside at the property on a permanent basis. Should a tenant wish to move in or out you are required to notify us in writing immediately of your request. Please note; a new tenant will need to be approved through the standard application process prior to moving in. Your Property Manager can guide you through this process.
Paying the rent
It is your legal responsibility to pay your rent, to the Landlord in advance. Please ensure that your payments reach us by the due date. Rent must be paid by the method stated on your tenancy agreement (Automatic Payment). If you have any problems with your rent payments please notify your Property Manager at the earliest possible time. If you fall into arrears, we will be obligated to follow the procedures outlined in the Residential Tenancies Act, to collect the rent on behalf of the landlord.
Inspections – Pre inspection and Routine Inspections
A property condition report is used to determine the condition of the property at the commencement of your tenancy. It also ensures that you are not held responsible for damage at the expiry of your tenancy which may have been there prior to your occupation. We ask you to make comment and any additional notes on the report provided to you at commencement of the tenancy, then return the document to our office within seven days. The document will be filed with your Tenancy Agreement and used as a reference to the property condition at the commencement of the tenancy.
Routine Inspections will be made at regular intervals. The primary purpose of these inspections is to advise the owner of the condition and care of their property and what, if any, maintenance is required. This is an opportunity for you to point out any maintenance required at the property. Photos may be taken by the Property Manager during the inspection.
Ending the Tenancy and leaving the Property
Please contact your Property Manager to discuss the requirements with regards to ending your tenancy, as written notice periods will be required. Once the Property Manager has received your ‘Notice to vacate’ and issued your ‘Vacate Information”, handing over vacant possession will need to be arranged. Once vacant possession is established (that is, all keys have been returned) a bond/final inspection can be completed.
Please note: The bond can be returned once it has been established that all rent is paid as required, the property has been returned in its original condition as per the entry condition report (excluding fair wear and tear) and all applicable invoices have been paid.
Breaking a Fixed Term Tenancy
Your tenancy agreement is a legally binding contract. If your situation changes please contact your Property Manager to discuss the options that may be available to you.
Change of Contact Details
Please ensure you notify us immediately of any change to your contact details including home, mobile, business phone numbers and email address. As per the Tenancy Agreement, we may issue you with important notices via email and therefore it’s crucial you keep us updated, should your details change.
Smoke Alarms
It is a requirement of the Residential Tenancies Act that Landlords ensure smoke alarms are working at the start of each new tenancy and remain in working order during the tenancy.
It is a requirement that a tenant does not interfere with any means of escape from fire. This includes tampering with smoke detectors. Should you note that a Smoke Alarm is not working within your home, please immediately notify your Property Manager.
Rubbish and Recycling
If you require any information regarding what day rubbish and recycling collection is for your new home; simply check with your local council or contact your Property Manager.
You are responsible for your own rubbish and recycling removal, please ensure you keep the property tidy and clear of excess rubbish.
The landlord is responsible for insuring the property; however the Landlord is not responsible for any damage to any tenants’ possessions. Tenants should take out their own contents insurance for their possessions and ascertain whether tenant liability insurance could be worth putting in place.
If you are permitted under your agreement to keep a pet at the property please ensure that you regularly collect and dispose of any waste. Any damage to the property caused by the pet needs to be rectified by the tenant, so please ensure you contact your Property Manager should you have any concerns.
If it is usually a requirement of most Tenancy Agreements that a tenant is responsible for the grounds at the property. This may include regular watering, weeding and mowing of your outdoor areas, unless otherwise provided for in the Tenancy Agreement. If you have any questions around what you are responsible for with regards to the grounds as part of your tenancy, simply contact your Property Manager.
Holmwood Property Management Offices
Holmwood Property Management
Level 1, 175 Papanui Road, Christchurch 8014
Ph: (03) 351 5534
St Albans Property Management
142 Sherborne Street, St Albans, Christchurch
Ph: (03) 377 0377