Gui Goh (端贵)
“Selling homes with care.”
– Gui Goh
Determination, Loyalty and Integrity
Originally from Malaysia, Gui has called New Zealand home since 2008. His upbringing in Malaysia and his time in New Zealand have provided him with the ability to connect with people from different cultures. Gui is fluent in English, Mandarin and can speak limited Bahasa. Gui holds a Bachelor degree in Architectural Studies, a Graduate Diploma in Operation & Production Management, and a Grad Dip in Project Management. He is a Licensed Building Practitioner with seven years experience in the residential housing industry in the Canterbury region.
Gui’s previous work experience gives him a comprehensive understanding of the regional building industry and consent regulations, good design processes and business practices. The value he can add to your selling process is that he has a real understanding and appreciation of the Canterbury building industry, his design skills and his passion to help you get the best value of your property.
Gui has a quirky sense of humour, and he loves helping people. He has been a volunteer for the Cancer Society, Nurse Maude hospital, the Hospice and IHC since 2013.
If you’re looking for an agent with professionalism, determination and the occasional laugh – call Gui now!
我姓吴, 名字叫端贵 ( Gui )。 我从小是在峇株吧辖, 柔佛洲(马来语 Batu Pahat, Johor )出生长大。
峇株吧辖是马来西亚西部的一个城市, 我的城市其实离新加坡很近,开车大概是一个小时三十分钟的车程。
我从小受的是中文教育, 小学和中学都是用中文学习和沟通。 父亲去世得早所以从小在家里都是由妈妈和姐姐们照顾。十八岁中学毕业以后就因为大姐在新西兰基督城的原因所以我就来这里上大学。我在基督城理工学院念建筑学本科。由于毕业了以后就在基督城从事设计的工作所以在新西兰定居已经十二年了。
我的性格比较另类,喜欢创新,所以在我工作的时候,我又回到理工学院继续进修,我学的是项目管理,操作和生产管理学士后文凭。当时我的想法就是想扩大自己的目标和知识。有句话说活到老学到老, 我学的东西越多,就觉得自己懂得的知识越少。其实从小也对音乐很感兴趣,我听很多流行音乐,喜欢听演唱会和玩乐器。
自从工作了以后,我也开始到医院Nurse Maude,癌症学会Cancer society做义工, 这些年来,我看到和体会到人,生病痛苦的样子,这让我学习到人生不管遇见什么困难,笑一笑再辛苦一点也没关系,一定要坚持拼一下才对得起家人和自己。
2019年我有一天突发奇想去考了个卖房子的执照, 反正觉得自己还年轻,我就想突破自己,想跳出去外界对我们做设计的人的想法,所以我就改行卖房,这让我有个机会去拥有一个平台为大众服务和提供我这些年来学习到的专业知识。
如果你有任何问题, 欢迎你给我打个电话,发个邮件或喝咖啡也行。
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MEET Gui Goh, Sales Consultant @ Harcourts Holmwood
Build Or Buy - FAST FAQS! - Gui Goh, Harcourts Holmwood
FOR SALE - 86 Liffey Springs Drive, Lincoln - Gui Goh - Harcourts Holmwood
MEET Gui Goh, Sales Consultant @ Harcourts Holmwood
Build Or Buy - FAST FAQS! - Gui Goh, Harcourts Holmwood
FOR SALE - 86 Liffey Springs Drive, Lincoln - Gui Goh - Harcourts Holmwood