We believe that auction is the fairest method of sale for both the vendor and the purchaser as it offers total transparency to all parties.

As a purchaser, when you are at an auction you can see who else is interested and gauge the level of desire in the room. You are the cash unconditional buyers, all in one place. There’s no mystery, no fear of ‘I wonder if they’ll put in a bigger offer than us.’ You can see it take place in real time and make an informed purchasing decision.

A metaphor we like to use is that of boarding an airplane. It is the higher status travellers who get to their seats first. An auction is the same. Cash unconditional buyers are similar to people flying first class. They are given the opportunity to bid first on the property. Or the ability to negotiate during the auction process to buy the property. If none of the cash unconditional purchasers are prepared to meet the price of the vendor at that stage, then it is passed on to the conditional purchasers, aka the travellers in the seats further back in the plane.

A successful auction for a seller, is all about getting the right combination of buyers in the room on Auction Day. This is because different people perceive the value of a property at different levels.

If you are lucky enough to have two or three prospective buyers who are loving your property, as a seller you can achieve a premium price for your property, and have buyers who are very happy with the result.

Harcourts’ South Island Regional Manager, Jim Davis, update us on the Christchurch real estate market.

There is no doubt that Spring has come early to the property market in our city, with the release of the REINZ Sales figures for August.

Sales volumes have leapt up yet again from the low levels experienced in July. August showed that there were 539 Christchurch real estate sales in the city in August, up by a massive 21.6% over the previous month.

At the same time, there was a small recorded lift in the median sale price to $440,000.00. This lift in volume has occurred slightly earlier than normal but was expected (probably more so in actual September).

The reason as I said is simply because Spring has come early. The good weather we have been experiencing and warm temperatures have brought the sellers and more buyers into the market a little earlier than expected.

Our Christchurch market remains solid and steady with prices staying consistently steady as well. The days on market have remained constant at a 37 day average for a few months now. As a consequence, writing this report can almost be repetitive.

The lift in the median sale price, I think is a reflection of more sales activity in the top and the market rather than any real price movement, as long-term results show the median sale price has for many months now consistently hovered in the $440,000 plus or minus $5000 range.

Christchurch Real Estate

Here at Harcourts we are seeing a lot more new stock coming into the Market and as we have said many times these has always been a good base of potential buyers waiting in the wings over winter for freshly listed property to be available, and its obvious those buyers are ready to purchase well priced new listings.

If you are in any part of the Christchurch real estate market you should to be working with the best professionally trained and most current real estate company to ensure there are no legislation issues, regardless of whether you are a buyer or seller.

Here at Harcourts it’s our job to look after you and help you get the sale you want so give us a call.

The sunshine and emerging blossoms around the city confirm that spring is upon us and with it the property market once again begins to thrive.

It is fair to say we have recently surfaced from a distinctive Winter market in the real estate industry. Many sellers have made the decision to refrain from listing their property in the colder months. For this reason we have experienced fewer homes for sale and as such have seen a multitude of buyers left searching for choice. Although it appears the old-style notion that property should come to the market in the sunny months may have crept back into the minds of sellers, it is not a new phenomenon, just one perhaps we have seen less in post-quake Christchurch.

Christchurch Real Estate Spring Housing Market Harcourts Holmwood

The truth remains the great majority of the properties that were listed over the last three months have sold, and they have sold in similar time periods as previous years. Undeniably Spring brings with it an influx of property to the market. So we are set to experience a revived number of buyers hunting for their dream home as they realise the slim Winter pickings are now replenished with fresh and exciting offerings.

At Holmwood we have continued to experience outstanding success in our auction room delivering unconditional sales during the Winter months. The number of properties we have sold on ‘the fall of the hammer’ or prior to auction day, is an impressive 65% and of those left, the majority of them are sold within a matter of weeks.

Regardless of what the processes are, real estate will always have people at its heart. At Holmwood we never forget that buying and selling property is a huge life decision and we are always committed to achieving outstanding results for our clients. If you are thinking of making a real estate decision then do not hesitate to contact one of our dedicated sales consultants today.

For more information please contact:
Tony Jenkins
Harcourts Holmwood CEO
M: 0274 322 896
E: tony.jenkins@harcourts.co.nz

Kate Sheppard’s House For Sale

19 September 2018 is a very special day for women and the global democratic process. It marks the 125th anniversary of New Zealand becoming in 1893 the first country in the world to grant women the right to vote. In the UK it took a further 25 years for women to be given the vote in 1918, while in the USA some women were given the vote in 1920, although African American women were not enfranchised until 1965.

Kate Sheppard's House for Sale

Kate Sheppard was the trailblazer and driving force for this momentous ground-breaking development, which she directed from her villa at 83 Clyde Road in Christchurch, writing pamphlets, preparing speeches, lobbying and most importantly collating thousands of signatures from throughout New Zealand for her petition to Parliament. The signatures were pasted on to rolls of wallpaper in her dining room and later theatrically rolled out on the floor of Parliament by Sir John Hall, which helped convince a sceptical Parliament to vote through the revolutionary new electoral law.

Kate Sheppard's House for Sale - Harcourts Holmwood

Arguably one of New Zealand’s most famous and influential women, Kate Sheppard now appears on its $10 note – with Everest conqueror, Sir Edmund Hillary on the $5 note and HM The Queen on the $20 note. A commemorative bust of Sheppard has pride of place in the New Zealand Parliament and together with others in her progressive movement, she appears on a large bronze plaque on the banks of the River Avon in Christchurch.

Kate Sheppard's House for Sale - Harcourts Holmwood

The iconic home of Kate Sheppard still exists, looking much as it did in Sheppard’s time, sitting on more than a manicured acre close to the heart of the city. Eulogised on TV shows and in numerous magazine stories, this special family home, which is a heritage one listed property with its exquisite gardens having been a New Zealand Garden of Significance, is now for sale – and for the first time in 33 years.

Kate Sheppard's House for sale

The serene beauty of this remarkable residence, with its iconic place in New Zealand’s history cannot be overstated.


For further details, or to receive high quality images for publication, please contact listing agents:

Martin Sutton
M:027 325 1221;
E: martin.sutton@harcourts.co.nz
Laurie Sutton
M:027 260 7782
E: laurie.sutton@harcourts.co.nz
Ilam 2 (Head Office), 397-399 Ilam Road, Ilam, Christchurch 8053

Christchurch Real Estate Market Comment by Jim Davis, Harcourts South Island BDM

The release of the REINZ market statistics for the month of July make for interesting and sobering reading…. if you read it in isolation.

The actual statistics for Christchurch City read as 428 residential sales for July and a median sale price of $431,000.

The 428 sales is a drop-in number of some 8% in comparison to the previous month, however, as with everything if the data is taken in isolation or without context then it can be interpreted wrong.

Christchurch Property - Market Update - Harcourts Holmwood Christchurch Real Estate

For a number of months now we have been talking about low volumes of new property coming on to the market here in Christchurch and around large parts of the country. Quite simply we are running out of property to sell, and so the drop in actual sales numbers has been predicted and expected.  If we don’t have it to sell, then …we can’t sell them.

The median sale price has not dropped away and neither has the average days on market.

What is very obvious, at the moment is that as soon as new property is listed, the interest in it is huge, and quite simply a lot can get snapped up and sold quickly. That is why it is vital in this current climate that as the owner of a property you ensure you market your home with a company that can cover the market and potentially get you the best possible price available, not just any offer.

The market is tight purely from a lack of new stock, not from a lack of interest, and don’t let anyone tell you different.

Christchurch Real Estate

Now let’s compare what has happened across the whole of Christchurch City, to what our very own Harcourts figures for the month of July tell us.  While we are not directly comparing apples to apples, our sales figures for the month don’t show an 8% drop in comparison to the previous month, they in fact show a very slight increase, so Harcourts is continuing to perform for their clients. Additionally, our consultants are doing all they can to bring more stock to the market and we have seen a huge 26% increase in listed property this July compared to last July.

Christchurch Real Estate

What is most pleasing of all is that with the new stock coming to the market Harcourts has listed 27% of it as Auction. We make no apology for our belief that a sale by Auction produces the best and fairest results not only for the owner of the property but is a huge benefit to all purchasers as well, you at least get a chance to view the property and look to purchase if it suits you.

So overall from both sets of data we can see that while the market overall has retracted in the volume of sales, there is a reason,  most importantly Harcourts in the same period of time is pushing on to produce the required results for our clients and we will expect to see this reflected in the market share over the next month or so.

There is no doubt that if you require a result in the current market and you want a company that performs then Harcourts offers you that option, with around 450 consultants working across our metro marketplace and all of them actively involved with buyers and sellers on a daily basis we can produce results, you just need to call us to fine out how we can do that for you.


Selling by auction is a common in the Christchurch real estate market so it pays to be familiar with the process.

Buyers Meetings
It is possible for buyers to meet with a member of the Holmwood management team. This is an opportunity for our manager or auctioneer to answer in an informal environment any questions you might have about the auction procedure, bidding, what the various terms mean, etc. There is absolutely no obligation, just come, relax, see the layout of the auction room and learn how buying at auction works for you.

Register Your Interest
If you are interested in the property, be sure to let the salesperson who showed you the home know. This ensures that if another buyer makes an offer before the auction (that the owner will accept) then we are able to contact all registered parties (those who have registered their interest).

Christchurch Real Estate Auctions

Property Information
When you purchase at auction the sale is unconditional and legally binding. Therefore before the auction you will need to be satisfied with any property information, e.g. title, LIM and the particulars and conditions of sale. If specialised reports are required these can be obtained and reviewed prior to the auction date. It is advisable to have your solicitor approve these.

Before the auction date you will need to have your finance approved. On the day of the auction you will be required to pay a 10% deposit immediately (so remember to bring your cheque book or arrange with your bank to pay online come auction day).

Terms and Conditions
If the terms and conditions don’t suit you, it is often possible to change some of these e.g. the possession date and chattels. This needs to be done before the auction by your salesperson who will obtain the owners agreement in writing (an Aside Agreement).

As a buyer it is a good idea to have a pre-auction meeting with the salesperson who introduced you to the property to discuss the auction, method of bidding, strategies in bidding and any variations that you may require. If you are unfamiliar with bidding or would prefer not to bid yourself, do discuss this with your salesperson for other options.

At Holmwood Auctions we are here to help.

To check our live Auctions please visit: livepropertyauctions.co.nz

Harcourts Holmwood Christchurch Real Estate - Auction Rooms

Holmwood Auction Room, 397-399 Ilam Road, Ilam, Christchurch

The Holmwood Auction Room is located approximately ten minutes from the city centre. There is on site and off-street parking available.


As the warmer weather approaches and flowers start to bloom we head into a busy selling season in Christchurch real estate. Holmwood have announced another Gala Auction on Thursday 20th September from 6pm at our auction rooms (Ground Floor, 397-399 Ilam Road).

We have experienced fantastic clearance rates in our auction rooms over the Winter months and expect this to continue into Spring, so now is a fabulous time to list your property for sale by auction.

The Holmwood Spring Gala Auction packages include special marketing offers that are not to be missed. Speak with one of our consultants today for more information.

Christchurch Property Market Comment by Jim Davis, Harcourts South Island BDM

The just released REINZ sales statistics for the month of June for Christchurch Property Market have finally produced the result we have been expecting and predicting for a while now. The figures show that sales in the city have slowed in the last month compared to earlier this year or against the same period last year. This result is not surprising and was as we said expected “eventually”.

It is not surprising, quite simply because we are right in the middle of a cold wet dreary winter with June having had particularly bad weather. Additionally, the drop was expected ‘eventually” because of what we have been reporting for the last few months now, namely that there has also been a marked drop off of newly available property to sell in the prior months. If there is a lack of stock on the market you simply can’t sell it and so sales figures were always destined to slow.

Christchurch Property Market Comment

Let me also predict now, this last month’s lower than usual sales will be replicated over the next month– but come spring and warmer weather I have no doubt normal sales figures will resume. Why am I so confident, because from what I see and hear from the coalface there is already considerable interest being shown by clients getting ready to sell in the spring. Consultants right across the city have already advised that in the last week or so there is plenty of interest from people getting ready to sell in the spring.

The median sale price is also down this past month but once again that is a reflection of lower sale numbers coupled with the increased interest from the first home buyer’s market. So the actual market realty has just finally caught up with our city’s sales.

As a vendor thinking of selling this is a great time to hit the Christchurch property market even if it is a bit cold at present, a great analogy given to me last week was as simple as this.  Do you want to sell now and be a like a big fish in a small pond, or wait till spring and just be one of the fish in a much bigger pond. I am sure you get the idea.

The Winter Christchurch Property Market is still a good time to sell. Harcourts Holmwood auction success is very high.

Regardless of your preferred time to look at selling ensure you are talking to your local Harcourts offer, no other company can provide the resources or results that Harcourts can in our fair city.

As a buyer in the current market you will already know there is a lack of fresh stock and as I have said I expect this to continue for at least another month or so.

Additionally if you are purchasing log onto our new upgraded digital Bluebook at canterbury.harcourts.co.nz/bluebook   

This new look Bluebook is fully digital and a great asset or assistance to any buyer.

In the mean time hang in there our Winter market is what it is but as I mentioned earlier there are rational reasons for it.

Home Buyers Information Evening

DATE: Tuesday 21st August
TIME: 6pm -7:30pm
LOCATION: Holmwood Auction Rooms, Ground Floor, 397-399 Ilam Road

An informative evening where industry experts will talk about home buying.

The evening will be facilitated by Harcourts Holmwood Auctioneer, Mark McGoldrick, and no doubt he will include some pearls of wisdom about buying through the auction process.

Nigel Rodwell from the Westpac Mortgage Team will talk about the financial side of buying a home (How much deposit do I need? Can I use Kiwisaver?) and lawyer Janine Ballinger, will be covering the legal side.

Tony Jenkins, CEO for Harcourts Holmwood, will provide valuable real estate insight on what you can do to be in a good position to purchase.

It will all culminate in a Q & A, where you will be encouraged to ask any questions you might have.

Don’t miss out on this superb event. Reserve your seat now!

No Fields Found.


Buying your first home takes careful planning and, for most people, serious budgeting! Here are a few tips for first home buyers which will help you plan for the total cost of buying a home, including your mortgage, insurance, legal fees and other costs.

Saving for a Deposit
The first step in saving for your deposit is to set yourself a savings goal. Lenders ideally require a deposit of at least 20% of the amount you are borrowing. So if you’re buying a house worth $400,000 you’ll need a deposit of at least $80,000. Keep in mind that the bigger your deposit, the less you’ll pay in interest over the long term. Speak with your Mortgage Adviser about other possible optons (i.e. the Welcome Home Loan).

Buying first home advice christchurch real estate

Get your Family’s Help
You may be able to borrow a deposit from your parents of use the equity in their home to secure a loan. Depending on interest rates, it’s possible that you could offer them a rate higher than they would get with a term deposit, but lower than your mortgage rate. In some cases, you could look at borrowing the deposit from another financial institution – as long as you have sufficient funds to repay the debt.

Getting a Mortgage
Your first mortgage, or home loan, will probably be the biggest financial commitment you’ll ever make. You’ll probably look at dozens of places before you find the home you want to buy. It’s a good idea to be just as careful when choosing your mortgage.
There are many types of mortgages, each with its own interest rate, fees and degree of flexibility. All these things affect how much the loan costs you and when it will be paid off. Again, speak with your Mortgage Adviser to get the broadest range of options.

Get a Flatmate
This is an option worth considering as it will generate extra cash to put towards your mortgage. For example if you had a flatmate paying $120 a week, this gives you an additional $6,240 per year.

Government Help
With a 10% deposit, you may be able to borrow enough to buy a house under the government’s Welcome Home Loan Scheme. If you have been a KiwiSaver member
for three years you can withdraw your savings and if you have been contributing to the scheme for at least three years, you may also be eligible for a HomeStart grant. This means that the government could give you up to $5,000 towards an older, existing home, or up to $10,000 towards a newly built home or land to build a new home on. If you’re borrowing with someone else, you can combine your grants, which means you could have up to $20,000 if you were both contributing to KiwiSaver for five years. There are other eligibility criteria to meet, as well as regional house price caps.

buying first house in Christchurch real estate market: Harcourts Holmwood Tips

Take a Long-Term View of your Purchase
The property market is like a merry-go-round; prices go up and down, but they mainly go up, up, up. If you take the long term view you would be making a very good investment.
It doesn’t matter where the cycle is when you enter the market – if you’re in it for the long haul you will reap the rewards..

Moving-In Costs
You will need to keep money aside for things like:
– Moving services – or truck hire if you’re doing it yourself.
– Connection fees for phone, power and internet.
– Any renovations or decorating you need to do straight away.
– Advertising for flatmates or tenants.
– Legal expenses and builder’s reports